Research management vocabulary
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Terminology concepts
data archiveNo contributors
Concept Valid
an archival service providing the long-term permanent care and accessibility for objects with research value
aineistokatalogiNo contributors
Concept Valid
tutkimus- ja seuranta-aineistojen metadatan luettelo ja näitä hyödyntävät hakutoiminnot
curation of research dataNo contributors
Concept Valid
the processes to maintain, preserve and update research data throughout its life-cycle to ensure its continued integrity, availability and usability
data management planNo contributors
Concept Valid
a document describing what material is used in the study, how its ownership is organised, how it is obtained, how it is stored and used, and what is done to the research data at the end of the study. The plan is a changing document and will be updated as the research progresses
activityNo contributors
Concept Valid
task or qualification based on the expertise generated by the research work
refereed journal articleNo contributors
Concept Valid
article that reports the original research results and includes unpublished material
original publicationNo contributors
Concept Valid
scientific publication that includes mainly unpublished material
altmetricsNo contributors
Concept Valid
broad concept describing the reception of digital data generated by research in open networked services
professional research outputNo contributors
Concept Valid
research outputLink opens a new window to research output that disseminates information for the use of the professional community
professional publicationNo contributors
Concept Valid
research outputLink opens a new window to research output that disseminates information based on research and development for the use of the professional community
contribution in researchNo contributors
Concept Valid
research outputs, activities and prizes based on expertise derived from research conducted
APC chargeNo contributors
Concept Valid
an author fee the publisher of an open accessLink opens a new window to open access journal can charge for an articleLink opens a new window to article. Some journals operating under the principle of open access fund their activities in other ways
sensitive dataNo contributors
Concept Valid
material, of which the storage, use and distribution is restricted by ethical, legal or economic considerations
articleNo contributors
Concept Valid
a standalone publication on specific topic to come out on the publication channel with at least one responsible authorLink opens a new window to responsible author
artikkelinumeroNo contributors
Concept Valid
artikkelin lehdessä tai lähdetietokannassa yksilöivä tunniste
article-based dissertationNo contributors
Concept Valid
dissertation consisting of scientific articles dealing with the same topic, already published or submitted for publication, and a summary section
evaluation, assessment or examinationNo contributors
Concept Valid
an evaluation, which is made on request and by an independent expert or as a member of a team. The evaluation may relate to the activity of the organisation, the competence of candidates for professorship or other positions, grant applications or the examination of the dissertation.
expert task or position of trustNo contributors
Concept Valid
an academic, social or private sector task, to which a person has been nominated or elected on the basis of his or her expertise and is part-time and of limited duration
open publishing principlesNo contributors
Concept Valid
guidelines or recommendations by which the research organization, funder or public authority directs researchers to make the research outputs publicly available
open dataNo contributors
Concept Valid
material that is freely available to anyone to use, edit and redistribute. All material must be made available in a usable and editable format and licensed in such a way that its use, editing and redistribution are not restricted
open formatNo contributors
Concept Valid
a file format that is platform-independent and made available to the public without any restriction that impedes the re-use of documents
Open access publishingNo contributors
Concept Valid
open access (OA) publishing can be defined as the practice of providing on-line access to scientific information that is free of charge and accessible to the user according to the licences
open publication channelNo contributors
Concept Valid
a publication channel whose content is immediately openly available at the time of publication
open interfaceNo contributors
Concept Valid
an interface where all properties are public and that can be used without restrictive conditions. Its use is free of charge, and the user does not need to ask the interface owner for permission or to tell in advance what they intend to use the interface for. Interface description and documentation are openly accessible and testable.
open accessNo contributors
Concept Valid
open access (OA) is the practice of providing on-line access to information that is free of charge to the user and that is re-usable according to the usage rightsLink opens a new window to usage rights
open scienceNo contributors
Concept Valid
open approaches in scientific research. This includes publishing of research outputs, research data, open research infrastructure and research methods in such a way that they can be viewed and used by those interested within the limits set by research ethics and law
open R&D activityNo contributors
Concept Valid
implies the use of open approaches in organizations' research, development and innovation activities and pursues to ensure that the methods, data, results and outputs used in projects are accessible to all interested parties within the limits of research ethics and law
bibliometricsNo contributors
Concept Valid
the use of quantitative methods to analyse publications. Bibliometrics can be used to evaluate the productivity, quality, impact and visibility of the research activities
co-organisationNo contributors
Concept Draft
organisaatiot, joihin julkaisun tekijät ovat affilioituneet
data articleNo contributors
Concept Valid
article that describes a particular research dataset and the circumstances of its collection and which is published in the publication channel
DORA DeclarationNo contributors
Concept Valid
recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated. The declaration was developed in 2012 during the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in San Francisco. It has become a worldwide initiative covering all scholarly disciplines and all key stakeholders including funders, publishers, professional societies, institutions, and researchers. Individuals and organizations who are interested in developing and promoting best practice in the assessment of scholarly research can sign DORA.
statement of assessment of docentshipNo contributors
Concept Valid
competence evaluation statement of candidates for professorship or other positions
embargoNo contributors
Concept Valid
delayed publishing. An article published on a publication channel where self-archiving is restricted by the publisher for a limited period of time
emojulkaisuNo contributors
Concept Valid
julkaisu, johon kirjallisuusviitteen tarkoittama kirjoitus sisältyy. Esimerkiksi artikkelikokoelma, kokoomateos, lehden erikoisnumero, konferenssijulkaisu.
ESFRINo contributors
Concept Valid
co-operation body of EU member states and associated countries in the preparation and definition of research infrastructures policy. ESFRI consists of representatives of ministries of research and funders
ESFRI-luokitusNo contributors
Concept Draft
ESFRI:n käyttämä tutkimusinfrastruktuurien luokittelu kuudelle teema-alueelle. Alueet ovat:
Energy, Environment, Health & Food, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Social & Cultural Innovation, Data, Computing and Digital Research Infrastructures
media apprearanceNo contributors
Concept Valid
the visibility of the researcher's or research group's expertise, research results or activities in public media
presentationNo contributors
Concept Valid
presentation at a scientific conference or seminar that is included in the program, the invited main presentation at a scientific or artistic conference or a presentation aimed to general public
European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)No contributors
Concept Valid
A specific legal framework recognised across all EU countries and designed to support the creation and operation of Research Infrastructures of European interest. They are European joint-ventures where also the participation outside Europe is allowed. Creation of ERIC requires European Commission’s formal approval.
FAIR principlesNo contributors
Concept Valid
principles that guide the production of research data. The principles suggest that research data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable
FT50 journal rankingNo contributors
Concept Valid
lists Financial Times top 50 journals used in Business School Research Rankings
g-indexNo contributors
Concept Valid
the indicator originates from H-index. It takes into account the cumulative amount of citations received. If the amount of received citations are organized in decreasing order, the g-index is the largest number such that the top g articles received (together) at least the g square citations.
H indexNo contributors
Concept Valid
a figure to evaluate the productivity and impact of the publication activity of a researcher. It is based on the amount of researcher's publications and the number of citations that they have received from other publications. Publications are organized in ascending order according to the most cited publication and then calculated where the sequence number of the publications meets the number of citations.
decentralised research infrastructureNo contributors
Concept Valid
works physically in several locations
major research projectNo contributors
Concept Valid
the goal is to generate new information and answer a research question or problem in accordance with the research plan. Often, a major research project does not have well-defined end goals, nor does it require such strict monitoring of success and end goals as a project. The results can be surprising and unpredictable. Can consist of several subprojects.