media apprearance
Concept · Research management vocabulary · Valid
- Preferred term, Draft
- Preferred term, Draft
- tutkijan tai tutkimusryhmän asiantuntemuksen, tutkimustulosten tai -toiminnan näkyminen julkisissa viestintävälineissä
- the visibility of the researcher's or research group's expertise, research results or activities in public media
- Huom. Aktiviteetti voi olla esiintyminen mediassa tai asiantuntemukseen perustuva sisällöntuotanto sosiaalisessa mediassa
Rooli: haastateltava, esiintyjä, maininta mediassa - CASRAI term: Broadcast Interview
Services contributed in the form of interview(s) with the person with a member of the broadcast (TV or radio) media.
CASRAI term: Text Interview
Services contributed in the form of interview(s) with the person with a member of the print or online media. - Obs. Activity can be media appearance or providing content in social media based on expertise
Role: interviewee, presenter, research cited
Additional technical information
- Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors
Created at
Modified at
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