open publishing principles
Concept · Research management vocabulary · Valid
- Preferred term, Draft
- Preferred term, Draft
- ohjeet tai suositukset, joiden avulla tutkimusorganisaatioLink opens a new window to tutkimusorganisaatio, rahoittajaLink opens a new window to rahoittaja tai julkinen valta ohjaa tutkijoitaLink opens a new window to tutkijoita julkaisemaan tutkimustuotoksetLink opens a new window to tutkimustuotokset avoimesti saatavilleLink opens a new window to avoimesti saataville
- guidelines or recommendations by which the research organization, funder or public authority directs researchers to make the research outputs publicly available
- Avoimen julkaisemisen muodot ovat vihreä OALink opens a new window to vihreä OA, kultainen OALink opens a new window to kultainen OA ja hybridijulkaiseminenLink opens a new window to hybridijulkaiseminen. Englanniksi open access mandate
- CASRAI term: Open access mandate (proposed)Link opens a new window to Open access mandate (proposed)
A policy requiring publication of research in an open access format. The research author's institution, research funder or government may impose a mandate
Additional technical information
- Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors
Created at
Modified at
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