curation of research data
Concept · Research management vocabulary · Valid
- Preferred term, Draft
- Preferred term, Draft
- aineistojen sisällön ylläpitoon ja päivityksiin liittyvät toimenpiteet, joilla turvataan aineistojen jatkuva eheys, saatavuus ja käytettävyys
- the processes to maintain, preserve and update research data throughout its life-cycle to ensure its continued integrity, availability and usability
- Käytetään myös termiä hoivaaminen. Tapahtuman kuratointiLink opens a new window to Tapahtuman kuratointi on määritelty toisaalla tässä sanastossa.
- The curation of an eventLink opens a new window to The curation of an event is defined in the other record in this vocabulary.
CASRAI term: Digital data curation (proposed)
Maintaining, preserving and adding value to digital research data throughout its lifecycle
Casrai term: Curation
The activity of managing and promoting the use of data from their point of creation to ensure that they are fit for contemporary purpose and available for discovery and reuse. For dynamic datasets this may mean continuous enrichment or updating to keep them fit for purpose. Higher levels of curation will also involve links with annotation and with other published materials.
Additional technical information
- Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors
Created at
Modified at
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