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Begrepp · Tutkimushallinnon sanasto · Gällande


  • Rekommenderad term, Utkast
  • Rekommenderad term, Utkast


  • digitaalisessa muodossa oleva rakenteinen tietojen kokoelma, jota yksi tai useampi tietojärjestelmä käyttää ja päivittää (TEPA)
  • a structured collection of data in digital format used and updated by one or more information systems


  • CASRAI term: DatabaseÖppnar ett nytt fönster på sidan Database
    A collection of data that is organised in a according to a conceptual structure/model describing the characteristics of these data and the relationships among their corresponding entities, supporting one or more application areas. A database allows its contents to be easily accessed, managed and updated. The type of database used depends on the requirements of the study. A common type is the relational database, where data are related to each other in a systematic manner so that they can be reorganised and accessed in a number of different ways. A database may house one or many datasets.

Tekniska tilläggsuppgifter

Innehållsansvarig är
  • Finn-ARMA-verkosto
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