legal status
Begrepp · Nordisk företagsterminologi · Utkast
- Rekommenderad term, Utkast
- Synonym, Utkast
- an indication of whether a registration authority has registered some extraordinary proceedings for the legal entity
- EU Core Business Vocabulary definition for "Legal entity status" = Information about the viability of the current position of the legal entity.
The nationally registered legal status of the agent. In the context of this model, the national values for legal status are mapped to the codes: * NONE - no extraordinary circumstances registered. The registration authority does not have anything registered but note that this doesn't say anything about for example financial status of the agent at this point in time. * SOME - some extraordinary circumstances registered. The registration authority have registered information on for example thet bankruptcy proceedings have started. To know the exact nationally registered legal status you need to check that national register. * ENDED - The registration authority have registered information on for example bankruptcy. The legal entity is no longer able to do buiness.
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