application for the payment of a government grant
Concept · Glossary of Discretionary Government Grant Terms, Extended Second Edition · Valid
- Preferred term, Valid
- Non-recommended synonym, Valid
- Preferred term, Valid
- Non-recommended synonym, Valid
- Preferred term, Valid
- hakemusLink opens a new window to hakemus, jolla valtionavustuksen saajaLink opens a new window to valtionavustuksen saaja pyytää valtionapuviranomaiseltaLink opens a new window to valtionapuviranomaiselta valtionavustuksenLink opens a new window to valtionavustuksen maksatusta
- ansökan (1)Link opens a new window to ansökan (1) genom vilken en mottagare av statsunderstödLink opens a new window to mottagare av statsunderstöd begär utbetalning av statsunderstödLink opens a new window to statsunderstöd hos statsbidragsmyndighetenLink opens a new window to statsbidragsmyndigheten
- applicationLink opens a new window to application by which a government grant recipientLink opens a new window to government grant recipient requests a government grant authorityLink opens a new window to government grant authority for the payment of a discretionary government grantLink opens a new window to discretionary government grant
- Käsitekaavio: Valtionavustuksiin liittyviä asiakirjojaLink opens a new window to Valtionavustuksiin liittyviä asiakirjoja
- Tätä hakemusta ei tarvita, jos valtionavustuksen maksatusta koskeva päätösLink opens a new window to valtionavustuksen maksatusta koskeva päätös on tehty samalla kuin valtionavustuksen myöntämistä koskeva päätösLink opens a new window to valtionavustuksen myöntämistä koskeva päätös tai jos maksatuksesta on sovittu valtionavustussopimuksessaLink opens a new window to valtionavustussopimuksessa.
- Valtionavustuksen maksatushakemuksella valtionavustuksen saaja panee vireille valtionavustuksen maksatusta koskevan asianLink opens a new window to valtionavustuksen maksatusta koskevan asian.
- Begreppsdiagram: Handlingar som anknyter till statsunderstödLink opens a new window to Handlingar som anknyter till statsunderstöd
- Denna ansökan behövs inte, om ett beslut om utbetalning av statsunderstödLink opens a new window to beslut om utbetalning av statsunderstöd har fattats samtidigt som beslutet om beviljande av statsunderstödLink opens a new window to beslutet om beviljande av statsunderstöd eller om det har avtalats om utbetalningen i ett statsunderstödsavtalLink opens a new window to statsunderstödsavtal.
- Genom ansökan om utbetalning av statsunderstöd inleder mottagaren av statsunderstöd ett ärende som gäller utbetalning av statsunderstödLink opens a new window to ärende som gäller utbetalning av statsunderstöd.
- Concept diagram: Documents related to discretionary government grantsLink opens a new window to Documents related to discretionary government grants
- This application is not required if the decision on the payment of a government grantLink opens a new window to decision on the payment of a government grant has been made at the same time as the decision on the awarding of a government grantLink opens a new window to decision on the awarding of a government grant or if the payment has been agreed in the government grant contractLink opens a new window to government grant contract.
- By applying for the payment of a government grant, the government grant recipient files a matter concerning the payment of a government grantLink opens a new window to matter concerning the payment of a government grant.
Additional technical information
- Ministry of Finance
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