Concept · Research management vocabulary · Draft
- Preferred term, Draft
- Preferred term, Draft
- olemassa olevan ongelman uusi ja yllättävä ratkaisu, joka on sovellettavissa käytäntöön tai uusi laite, menetelmä tai parannus olemassa olevaan. Se saattaa myös perustua jo tunnetun tekniikan uudenlaiseen soveltamiseen. Keksintöön voidaan hakea patenttia tai hyödyllisyysmallia (PRH)
- a new and innovative solution to an existing problem that is applicable in practice or a new device, method, or improvement to an existing one. It may also be based on a new application of already known technology. A patent or utility model (PRH) can be applied for the invention
- CASRAI term: InventionLink opens a new window to Invention
Practical and original outputs arising from research.
Additional technical information
- Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors
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