publication charge
Concept · Research management vocabulary · Valid
- Preferred term, Draft
- Preferred term, Incomplete
- maksu tai maksut, joita kustantaja voi periä artikkelin tai kirjan julkaisemisen yhteydessä
- fee or fees that a publisher may charge in connection with the publication of an article or book
- Maksu voi olla avoimen julkaisemisen, kuvan, sivun, tutkimusaineiston maksu. Maksuja ovat esimerkiksi APC- (Article Processing Charge) ja BPC-maksut (Book Processing Charge)
- Casrai term: Article publication charge
Short Definition: Charge levied by a publisher to an author (or their funder or institution) to publish an article. Such charges may include but are not limited to: APCs; page charges; publishing charges or fees; submission charges; colour charges. - The fee can be an open publication, image, page, research material. Examples of payments include APC (Article Processing Charge) and BPC (Book Processing Charge)
Additional technical information
- Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors
Created at
Modified at
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