Concept · Research management vocabulary · Valid
- Preferred term, Draft
- Preferred term, Draft
- osa tohtorin tutkintoaLink opens a new window to tohtorin tutkintoa ja sen opinnäyteLink opens a new window to opinnäyte. Julkisesti puolustettu tutkimustyö, joka julkaistaan väitöskirjana
- part of the doctoral degree and its thesis. Publicly defended results of the research published as a dissertation
- CASRAI term: DissertationLink opens a new window to Dissertation
Treatise advancing an original point of view resulting from research: a requirement for a doctoral degree.
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- Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors
Created at
Modified at
You can give feedback on the concept to the responsible organization of the vocabulary.Give feedback on the conceptOpen a new email to tuha-tietomalli@postit.csc.fi