research resource
Concept · Research management vocabulary · Valid
- Preferred term, Draft
- Preferred term, Draft
- tutkimusprojektinLink opens a new window to tutkimusprojektin käytettävissä olevat aineelliset, taloudelliset, sosiaaliset ja inhimilliset voimavarat, jotka mahdollistavat tutkimuksenLink opens a new window to tutkimuksen toteuttamisen
- the material, financial, social and human resources available for the research project to enable the research to be carried out
- Resursseja ovat esimerkiksi henkilöiden työaika, käytettävissä infrastruktuuri ja rahoitus
- CASRAI term: ResourceLink opens a new window to Resource
A source or supply that can be drawn on to support or fulfill a specific need or to handle a situation. Example: Information is a resource that supports and enables delivery, fulfills inquiry requests, and adds value to other products and services. Information is a strategic resource when it is recognized and managed as a valuable asset, independent of organizational boundaries, to address immediate needs, exploit opportunities to leverage it for business advantage, and enhance its value through knowledge creation and preservation. - Resources include, for example, people's working hours, available infrastructure and funding
Additional technical information
- Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors
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Modified at
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