research method
Concept · Research management vocabulary · Valid
- Preferred term, Draft
- Preferred term, Draft
- suunnitelmallinen ja dokumentoitu menettelytapa tehdä tutkimustaLink opens a new window to tutkimusta sekä koota ja työstää tutkimusaineistoaLink opens a new window to tutkimusaineistoa tavalla, joka tuottaa tutkimustuloksiaLink opens a new window to tutkimustuloksia
- a planned and documented procedure for conducting research and compiling and processing research material in a way that produces research results
- CASRAI term: Scientific methodLink opens a new window to Scientific method
Ask the research question, review the relevant scientific literature, design the study, collect the data, analyze and interpret the data, communicate the results.
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- Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors
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Modified at
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