scientific publication
Concept · Research management vocabulary · Valid
- Preferred term, Draft
- Preferred term, Draft
- tieteelliselle yleisölle suunnattu julkaisuLink opens a new window to julkaisu, joka välittää uutta tietoa ja jota muiden tutkijoidenLink opens a new window to tutkijoiden pitää voida todentaa, arvioida ja käyttää, ja jonka tarkoituksena on edistää tiedettä
- a publication aimed at the scientific audience, which disseminates new knowledge and which other researchers need to verify, evaluate and use and is intended to promote science
- 2) on otettava jotenkin huomioon ne tieteelliset julkaisut, jotka nyt jäävät määritelmän ulkopuolelle, koska niillä ei ole vertaisarviontikäytäntöä
- 1) tieteellinen julkaisu voi olla vertaisarvioituLink opens a new window to vertaisarvioitu tai ei
- A scientific publication fulfills requirements:
1. The publication must produce new information in relation to previous research data on the same subject.
2. The publication must be presented in a format that enables the verification of the research results and/or use of the research results in a new research, thus allowing other researchers to assess the research results and use them in their own work.
3. The publication channel for the publication specialises in publishing scientific research results, and it has an editorial staff consisting of experts in the field of science as well as a peer review practice. (Note: non-refereed publications may also be published on scientific publication channels).
Additional technical information
- Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors
Created at
Modified at
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