Terminology of Built Environment
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Terminology concepts
contracting chainNo contributors
Concept Valid
set of contracts for construction work and services where the contractor subdivides the agreed work and subcontracts this out as its own subcontracting taking responsibility for the work performance of its own subcontractors
subcontractorNo contributors
Concept Valid
another contractor in a contractual relationship with the contractor, who carries out work on the contractor’s behalf
commencement notificationNo contributors
Concept Valid
notification informing the local building control authority of the start of a construction project
right to commenceNo contributors
Concept Valid
right granted by an authority to start an action before the permit decision becomes final
start-up meetingNo contributors
Concept Valid
meeting to identify and enter in the record the obligations of the primary contractor, the main parties involved in the planning and construction work and their inspection tasks, official inspections and audits and other reports and actions to ensure the quality of the construction work
area-specific deviationNo contributors
Concept Valid
deviation from the Land Use and Building Act or the Building Act or statutes, regulations, prohibitions or other restrictions issued pursuant to them regarding construction or another measure in a wider area than hat covered by a building site
land useNo contributors
Concept Valid
use of a land and water area, which is steered by legislation and administrative decisions
spatial planning objectNo contributors
Concept Valid
object contained in a spatial plan with a geographical location and geometry
restriction on land useNo contributors
Concept Valid
restriction, directly imposed by law or in an authority’s land use plan, in the building code or issued by a separate decision that applies to the organisation of land use in a certain area
spatial planningNo contributors
Concept Valid
planning in which current and future land use and the impacts of the use are outlined
spatial planning systemNo contributors
Concept Valid
planning system intended for spatial planning and construction control, which includes national land use targets, a regional plan, a joint municipal master plan, local master plans and local detailed plans
regional structureNo contributors
Concept Valid
structure of the whole country, region or part thereof that includes the location and interrelationship of communities of different sizes and external functions, as well as of traffic routes and technical services networks connecting them
object of neighbourhood constructionNo contributors
Concept Valid
complex that is based on a coherent plan and that consists of a large area and principally several building objects
vocational education buildingNo contributors
Concept Valid
educational building where vocational education is provided
vehicle service building for professional transportNo contributors
Concept Valid
enclosed, heated transport and transportation industry building that is intended for protecting professional transport vehicles and heavy machinery
vehicle depot for professional transportNo contributors
Concept Valid
enclosed transport and transportation industry building that is intended for protecting professional transport vehicles and heavy machinery
ARAVA apartmentNo contributors
Concept Valid
apartment financed by a state-subsidised housing loan (ARAVA)
state-subsidised housing loan (ARAVA)No contributors
Concept Valid
loan to support housing production, granted by the government and containing government support, for state-subsidised housing production of rental, owned and right-of-occupancy housing
local detailed planNo contributors
Concept Valid
land use plan approved by the municipality that provides detailed guidance on part of a municipality and construction
reference map for a local detailed planNo contributors
Concept Valid
map that is sufficiently precise and complete in terms of information content used for the preparation of a local detailed plan
station buildingNo contributors
Concept Valid
transport and transportation industry building used for train, bus, metro, ship and air traffic
consideration of mattersNo contributors
Concept Valid
performing the measures necessary for the matter and deciding on the matter
party concernedNo contributors
Concept Valid
person whose right, interest or obligation the matter concerns
expert inspectionNo contributors
Concept Valid
procedure whereby an expert approved by the local building control authority inspects that the construction work conforms with its plan
housing segregationNo contributors
Concept Valid
division of housing areas so that residents with similar characteristics are concentrated in certain areas
residential roomNo contributors
Concept Valid
room that is intended primarily for continuous and year-round residential use
apartmentNo contributors
Concept Valid
apartment that is intended primarily for continuous or year-round residential use
residential buildingNo contributors
Concept Valid
building that is intended for continuous residential use where living space makes up at least half of the gross floor area
residential building provisionNo contributors
Concept Valid
accounting provision for a corporation that owns one or more residential buildings, whereby the corporation is not required to pay income tax on the funds used for the provision
residential environmentNo contributors
Concept Valid
physical and social environment formed by a dwelling and its immediate area
residential democracyNo contributors
Concept Valid
right of residents in rental or right-of-occupancy buildings to receive information about matters related to the building and have a possibility to influence them
residents’ administrationNo contributors
Concept Valid
organisation whose purpose is to provide residents with the opportunity to influence decision making in matters related to the finances, management, maintenance and repair of right-of-occupancy or rental housing
residents’ meetingNo contributors
Concept Valid
meeting where a certain building’s right-of-occupancy holders or tenants decide on matters falling within the remit of the residents’ administration of a right-of-occupancy or the residents’ administration (2) of rented housing
residents’ committeeNo contributors
Concept Valid
residents’ administration body that deals with matters concerning a particular house and takes care of the implementation of the decisions of the residents’ assembly
criterion for selection of tenantsNo contributors
Concept Valid
criterion used to select residents for right-of-occupancy or rental dwellings financed by a state-subsidised housing loan (ARAVA) or an interest subsidy loan for housing production
residential multi-localityNo contributors
Concept Valid
phenomenon where a person has more than one place of residence permanently and simultaneously in use, which they use for residing alternating according to needs
Housing Finance and Development Centre of FinlandNo contributors
Concept Valid
government agency under the Ministry of the Environment’s administrative branch, which is responsible for providing state subsidies related to housing, directing and monitoring the use of stock of dwellings financed with state-subsidised housing loans (ARAVA) and interest subsidy loans for housing production, and providing expert, development and information services on housing
support for housing productionNo contributors
Concept Valid
support for housing through which the state supports housing production and the construction of infrastructure in residential areas
housing adviceNo contributors
Concept Valid
service aimed at preventing homelessness and other housing problems and providing support in housing-related matters