Fire in Forests. Glossary of Terms
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Terminology concepts
active crown fireNo contributors
Concept Draft
crown fire that advances simultaneously throughout the forest both in the canopy layer and in the lower layers
cured grassNo contributors
Concept Draft
dead fuel consisting of dried out grass or grass-like plants of previous growing seasons
extinguishing water wellNo contributors
Concept Draft
well that is used to take extinguishing water in fire protection
fire behavior triangleNo contributors
Concept Draft
diagram illustrating a wildfire with the help of three main factors: fuel, topography, and weather conditions
fire ecologyNo contributors
Concept Draft
branch of forest ecology that studies the interactions between forest fires, environment, and living organisms
fire refugiaNo contributors
Concept Draft
area which, due to vegetation, soil moisture conditions or some other factors, has repeatedly remained unburned in its forest fire history, or an area which remains unburned in a major forest fire
fire swatterNo contributors
Concept Draft
hand tool used for wildfire suppression and control of prescribed burning
fire triangleNo contributors
Concept Draft
a model in which burning requires heat, oxygen, and fuel at the same time
fire weatherNo contributors
Concept Draft
weather conditions affecting the ignition and spread of wildfires
fire whirlNo contributors
Concept Draft
exceptionally strong warm air currents which rise in forest fires, carry forest fuels and combustible gases with them and increase the risk of crown fires and spot fires
fire-dependent speciesNo contributors
Concept Draft
species dependent on the burnt forest area habitats
flame heightNo contributors
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distance of the tip of the forest fire flame from the ground, measured vertically
flame lengthNo contributors
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distance between the flame tip of the forest fire tip and the midpoint of the flame depth at the base of the flame
forest fire insuranceNo contributors
Concept Draft
insurance covering the damages caused to tree stands, seedlings, and timber stored in the forest by a forest fire and fire suppression activities
forest fuelNo contributors
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organic substances that are found in a forest above, on, and below soil surface and that may ignite
forest fuel flammabilityNo contributors
Concept Draft
sensitivity of forest fuel to ignite under certain circumstances
fuel bedNo contributors
Concept Draft
structural element of fuel loading which can consist of different forest fuels located at a certain height above the ground
fuel moisture contentNo contributors
Concept Draft
water content of a fuel in relation to the total mass of the fuel
fuel typeNo contributors
Concept Draft
index classifying fuels in terms of their composition, volume, and structure
grass fire warningNo contributors
Concept Draft
warning that can be given in springtime to draw public attention to a high cured grass fire risk
grass-fire indexNo contributors
Concept Draft
numerical index describing the moisture content of the 3 cm thick surface soil
hazard fuelNo contributors
Concept Draft
fast-drying and flammable forest fuel which forms a fuel bed so abundant and comprehensive that it can effectively spread the fire horizontally or vertically
ignition probabilityNo contributors
Concept Draft
probability of a fuel to ignite under certain circumstances
independent crown fireNo contributors
Concept Draft
crown fire that advances in the tree crowns independently, not requiring any thermal energy from the lower fuel layers to spread
initial attackNo contributors
Concept Draft
fire control attempt by the first rescue units or aircraft arriving at a wildfire incident to suppress the fire
kulohälytys (fi)No contributors
Concept Draft
warning that was in use in Finland earlier and that may have been issued when forest fire risk was impending
kulovaroitus (fi)No contributors
Concept Draft
warning that was in use in Finland earlier and that was issued when forest fire danger was obvious
ladder fuelNo contributors
Concept Draft
forest fuel that facilitates fire to advance from the lower fuel layers to a canopy layer
large fireNo contributors
Concept Draft
wildfire that, due to its extensive area or intensity, has significant economic or other consequences that affect people's well-being
live fuel typeNo contributors
Concept Draft
index classifying live fuels in terms of their composition, volume, and structure
notice of prescribed burningNo contributors
Concept Draft
notice of conducting prescribed burning made by a prescribed burning organization to the rescue department