Collection · https://research.fi/en/
- rahoitustiedot
Concepts in the collection
- field of a call
- funding call
- funder
- granted funding
- approval date
- granted amount
- Funding Method
- funding decision identifier
- research consortium
- on osa konsortiota
- funding recipient
- jatkuva rahoitushaku
- funding call start date
- funding call end date
- funding call name
- funding call identifier
- complementary funding decision
- related funding decision
- previous funding decision
- consortium leader
- consortium partner
- consortium's name
- consortium's description
- funding recipient contact person
- agencyID
- consortium leader funding decision id
- related funding
- Päättäjän päätöksentekopäivämäärä
- country of research activity
Additional technical information
- CSC - IT Center of Science
Created at
Modified at