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Glossary of Discretionary Government Grant Terms, Extended Second Edition

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characteristic of an activity that reflects how the activity may generate or has generated effectsLink opens a new window to effects on a phenomenonLink opens a new window to phenomenon or other observed subject in relation to the chosen benchmark, and what those effects may be or what they are


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characteristic of an activity reflecting the added benefits the observed activity may have for any other known activities


decision on an administrative matterLink opens a new window to decision on an administrative matter issued by an authority or other competent party concerning a right, interest or obligation of the party affected by the decision


matter submitted to, or taken up for decision by, an authority or other competent party and dealt with through an administrative procedure


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characteristic of an activity reflecting the extent to which an activity and the means chosen to carry it out match a specific context


effectLink opens a new window to effect that is considered to be positive


characteristic of a partyLink opens a new window to party reflecting whether the party has at its disposal the resourcesLink opens a new window to resources necessary to carry out, in an relevant manner, the tasks it considers necessary and significant or for which it is responsible


relationship between the observed phenomenonLink opens a new window to phenomenon and a determinantLink opens a new window to determinant or two factors that influence each other


difference made in the original state or the expected future state of an object


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set of knowledge and skills and the related understanding available to a personLink opens a new window to person or organisationLink opens a new window to organisation


characteristic of an activity reflecting compliance with both the specific conditions set for it and any general conditions, rules, regulations or ethical standards imposed on it


financial forfeiture arising from the use of a resourceLink opens a new window to resource


characteristic of a causal relationshipLink opens a new window to causal relationship reflecting the reliability of the underlying assumptions


administrative decisionLink opens a new window to administrative decision made on the inadmissibility of an administrative matterLink opens a new window to administrative matter because the statutory conditions or other conditions for dealing with the substance of the matter are not met