Additonal terms
Collection · Fire in Forests. Glossary of Terms
- Irtotermit
- Lösa termer
- Additonal terms
- Termit, jotka eivät ole mukana käsitekaavioissa.
- Termer som inte ingår i begreppsdiagram.
- Terms that aren't included in the concept diagrams.
Concepts in the collection
- torching
- wind-driven fire
- large fire
- crown-fire index
- kulohälytys
- kulovaroitus
- flame height
- flame length
- initial attack
- grass fire warning
- grass-fire index
- natural forest fire
- fire swatter
- fire refugia
- pyrophilous species
- fire-dependent species
- smoldering fire
- forest fire insurance
- burning rate
- fire ecology
- fire scar
- slash-and-burn forest
- ignition probability
- fire triangle
- fire whirl
- firestorm
- convection
- prescribed burning organization
- prescribed burner
- prescribed burn manager
- notice of prescribed burning
- safety plan for prescribed burning
- fire behavior triangle
- fire weather
- extinguishing water well
Additional technical information
- Finnish Forest Centre
Created at
Modified at