Research management vocabulary
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Terminology concepts
activityNo contributors
Concept Valid
task or qualification based on the expertise generated by the research work
aineistokatalogi (fi)No contributors
Concept Valid
tutkimus- ja seuranta-aineistojen metadatan luettelo ja näitä hyödyntävät hakutoiminnot
altmetricsNo contributors
Concept Valid
broad concept describing the reception of digital data generated by research in open networked services
anonymisation of research dataNo contributors
Concept Valid
irrevocably removing or altering the personally identifiable information from research data in such a way that it is not possible to identify persons
anthologyNo contributors
Concept Valid
edited book or special issue of a journal consisting of articles by different authors
APC chargeNo contributors
Concept Valid
an author fee the publisher of an open accessLink opens a new window to open access journal can charge for an articleLink opens a new window to article. Some journals operating under the principle of open access fund their activities in other ways
applied researchNo contributors
Concept Valid
Applied research is work undertaken to acquire new knowledge directed primarily towards a specific practical application. Applied research includes seeding applications for the findings of basic research or determining new methods or ways of solving a particular problem. (Statistics Finland)
articleNo contributors
Concept Valid
a standalone publication on specific topic to come out on the publication channel with at least one responsible authorLink opens a new window to responsible author
article-based dissertationNo contributors
Concept Valid
dissertation consisting of scientific articles dealing with the same topic, already published or submitted for publication, and a summary section
artikkelinumero (fi)No contributors
Concept Valid
artikkelin lehdessä tai lähdetietokannassa yksilöivä tunniste (fi)
artistic publicationNo contributors
Concept Valid
a public output of an activity based on the artistic vision of one or more authors. The decision to publish is made by someone else than the author, mainly by artistic criteria
author of the publicationNo contributors
Concept Valid
the author(s) of the publication are the persons or groups that are listed in the original publication as responsible for the publication
award or honor granted for a specific workNo contributors
Concept Valid
award or honor granted for a specific work, academic or artistic career or invitation or ranking in competition
award or honor granted for academic or artistic careerNo contributors
Concept Valid
award or honor granted for a specific work, academic or artistic career or invitation or ranking in competition
basic researchNo contributors
Concept Valid
Basic research is defined as work undertaken to acquire new knowledge, without any particular application in view. Basic research includes analyses of properties, structures and relationships with a view to formulating and testing hypotheses, theories or regularities. (Statistics Finland)
bibliometricsNo contributors
Concept Valid
the use of quantitative methods to analyse publications. Bibliometrics can be used to evaluate the productivity, quality, impact and visibility of the research activities
chair of a conference, workshop, panel, session or tutorialNo contributors
Concept Valid
expert task or position of trust in planning, evaluating, organizing or coordinating the contents of a conference or a similar smaller event
citationNo contributors
Concept Valid
a note created for a publication when it is used in the reference list of another publication (citation).
Citations are the formal, explicit linkages between papers that have particular points in common.
co-author (fi)No contributors
Concept Draft
tekijät, joiden kanssa tutkija on kirjoittanut julkaisun (fi)
co-financingNo contributors
Concept Valid
research and development project, research assignment or research environment funded by two or more different funders
co-organisation (fi)No contributors
Concept Draft
organisaatiot, joihin julkaisun tekijät ovat affilioituneet (fi)
co-publication with companyNo contributors
Concept Valid
at least one author of the publication is affiliated to a national or international company (the author may also be affiliated both to a research organisation and a company). Company refers to an enterprise other than a state-owned group carrying out specific government tasks (such as VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd).
competed research fundingNo contributors
Concept Valid
the funding award is based on predefined criteria. The grant application is evaluated and the funding is granted to the applications that meet best the criteria and other objectives
compiled dissertationNo contributors
Concept Valid
dissertation consisting of different sections dealing with the same topic
For example, an artistic dissertation consists of a written section and a related artistic section, such as a performance, exhibition, composition, etc. As another example, an essay dissertation consists of essays or other texts in addition to an introduction and summary
conference abstractNo contributors
Concept Valid
a summary of the conference presentationLink opens a new window to conference presentation or posterLink opens a new window to poster, explaining what methods have been used, what results have been obtained, and what interpretations and conclusions have been drawn
conference presentationNo contributors
Concept Valid
presentation at a scientific conference or seminar that is included in the program
conference proceedingsNo contributors
Concept Valid
publication consisting of articles based on presentations made at the conference and accepted for publication
consultancyNo contributors
Concept Valid
on-demand expert services in the public or private sector to support decision-making
contact personNo contributors
Concept Valid
henkilö, joka vastaa esimerkiksi rahoitushakemuksen, hankkeen tai tutkimusinfrastruktuurin hallinnollisesta viestinnästä ja yhteydenpidosta. Usein hänellä voi olla muitakin hallinnollisia tehtäviä mm. nimenkirjoitusoikeus. (fi)
contribution in researchNo contributors
Concept Valid
research outputs, activities and prizes based on expertise derived from research conducted
copyrightNo contributors
Concept Valid
a legal right that grants the creator of an original work to order the production and making available to the public of copies of an original work and to be recognized as the author of the work
corresponding authorNo contributors
Concept Valid
an author who is a contact person with the publisher and whose contact details are mentioned in the publication. Corresponding author's responsibility is to ensure that the information passes between the publisher and other authors.
cost calculationNo contributors
Concept Valid
a statement of the monetary use of resources needed to complete the project
curation of an eventNo contributors
Concept Valid
designing and compiling the content of the event based on artistic or scientific expertise
curation of research dataNo contributors
Concept Valid
the processes to maintain, preserve and update research data throughout its life-cycle to ensure its continued integrity, availability and usability
data archiveNo contributors
Concept Valid
an archival service providing the long-term permanent care and accessibility for objects with research value
data articleNo contributors
Concept Valid
article that describes a particular research dataset and the circumstances of its collection and which is published in the publication channel
data management planNo contributors
Concept Valid
a document describing what material is used in the study, how its ownership is organised, how it is obtained, how it is stored and used, and what is done to the research data at the end of the study. The plan is a changing document and will be updated as the research progresses
data-intensive research infrastructureNo contributors
Concept Valid
research infrastructureLink opens a new window to research infrastructure containing information resourcesLink opens a new window to information resources and services enabling researchers to store, share, discover and access research data
databaseNo contributors
Concept Valid
a structured collection of data in digital format used and updated by one or more information systems
Denmark levelNo contributors
Concept Valid
The class of The Danish BFI (Bibliometric Research Indicator) published in the Finnish Publication Forum. The Danish BFI shows the publication channels (Publishers, Journals, Book Series and Conference Series) in which publication of research results are awarded points. There are two lists: the BFI list of publishers and the BFI list of series.
design and implementation of education and trainingNo contributors
Concept Valid
activities defining the learning objectives, target groups, teaching methods and requirements of one or more courses, and organising their implementation
disclosureNo contributors
Concept Valid
a written announcement of the invention by the inventor to his employer in accordance with the higher education or employment inventions act
dissertationNo contributors
Concept Valid
part of the doctoral degree and its thesis. Publicly defended results of the research published as a dissertation