EWC Organizational Digital Identity Terminology
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Terminology concepts
atomic attestationNo contributors
Concept Draft
an attestation that can only be presented in its entiety
attributeNo contributors
Concept Draft
a feature, characteristic or quality of a natural person, legal person or an entity
authentic sourceNo contributors
Concept Draft
a repository or system, held under the responsibility of a public sector body or private entity, that contains attributes about a natural or legal person and is considered to be the primary source of that information or recognized as authentic in national law
authentic sourceNo contributors
Concept Draft
a repository or system, held under the responsibility of a public sector body or private entity, that contains attributes about a natural or legal person and is considered to be the primary source of that information or recognised as authentic in national law
data minimizationNo contributors
Concept Draft
The act of limiting the amount of shared data strictly to the minimum necessary to successfully accomplish a task or goal.
decentralized identifierNo contributors
Concept Draft
a portable URL-based identifier associated with an entity
decentralized identifier documentNo contributors
Concept Draft
a document that is accessible using a verifiable data registry and contains information related to a specific decentralized identifier, such as the associated repository and public key information
derived predicateNo contributors
Concept Draft
a verifiable, boolean assertion about the value of another attribute in a verifiable credential
electronic attestation of attributesNo contributors
Concept Draft
a set of tamper-evident claims and metadata that cryptographically prove who issued it
entityNo contributors
Concept Draft
a thing with distinct and independent existence, such as a person, organization, or device that performs one or more roles in the ecosystem
EU Company CertificateNo contributors
Concept Draft
a uniform set of information about [companies] to be provided by national business registers
EU company certificateNo contributors
Concept Draft
An attestation in form of a verifiable credential (including several attributes such as an organisation number). Scheme will be provided by the Commission:
"The Commission shall publish the template for the EU Company Certificate on the portal in all official languages of the Union."
EU power of attorneyNo contributors
Concept Draft
a standard model of the digital EU power of attorney to authorize a person to represent the company
EU Power of AttorneyNo contributors
Concept Draft
a standard model of the digital EU power of attorney to authorize a person to represent the company
EUDI Wallet Core ComponentNo contributors
Concept Draft
technical components that implement the core capabilities of EUDI Wallet Solutions.
Eudi wallet instance 2No contributors
Concept Suggested
Another instance of EUDI wallet instance - for illustration
EUDI Wallet Instance* No contributors
Concept Draft
Instance of an EUDI Wallet Solution belonging to and which is controlled by a User.
EUDI Wallet Providers* No contributors
Concept Draft
an organization responsible for the operation of a eIDAS-compliant EUDI wallet solution that can be instantiated
EUDI Wallet SolutionNo contributors
Concept Draft
the entire product and service owned by an EUDI wallet provider, offered to all users of that solution
EUDIW legal person unique identifierNo contributors
Concept Draft
A worldwide unique identifier (e.g. DID, URI,...) that is an attribute of each EUDIW legal person instance created during EUDIW instance creation. This unique identifier together with data (e.g. endpoint) stored on the VDR (e.g. DID Document) should enable a wallet instance to find another wallet instance as a prerequisite for creating a secure connection.
graphNo contributors
Concept Draft
a network of information composed of subjects and their relationship to other subjects or data
holderNo contributors
Concept Valid
a role that is able to request PIDs, qualified electronic attestation of attributes and electronic attestation of attributes from issuers and to possess these and present these to relying parties
identity providerNo contributors
Concept Draft
a system for creating, maintaining, and managing identity information for holders, while providing authentication services to relying party applications within a federation or distributed network
individual schema specific trusted issuer listNo contributors
Concept Draft
a list of issuers who are issuing credentials based on a specific schema and their EUDIW unique identifiers
issuerNo contributors
Concept Draft
a role an entity can perform by asserting claims about one or more subjects, creating a verifiable credential from these claims, and transmitting the verifiable credential to a holder
IssuerNo contributors
Concept Valid
A Person Identification Data Provider issuing PID or a (Qualified) Trust Service Provider issuing (Q)EAA. In the case of the EUDI Wallet there may be multiple Issuers for PID and (Q)EAA.
legal entityNo contributors
Concept Draft
a self-employed person, company, or organization that has legal rights and obligations
National Accreditation Bodies (NAB)* No contributors
Concept Draft
National Accreditation Bodies (NAB) under Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 are the bodies in Member States that perform accreditation with authority derived from the State.
ODINo contributors
Concept Draft
a unique and persistent set of data establishing the identity of a legal person
ODI (Organisational Digital Identity)No contributors
Concept Draft
QEAA enabling the identity of a legal person. Legal person PID.
ODI identity attributesNo contributors
Concept Draft
common minimum dataset which has to be present in the ODI
ODI mandatory metadataNo contributors
Concept Draft
metadata associated with the ODI that provides necessary details
ODI resolverNo contributors
Concept Draft
infrastructure system that has the capability to resolve an ODI into useful, current state information describing the properties of a data object.