Nordic Smart Government & Business Terminology
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Terminology concepts
alternative nameNo contributors
Concept Draft
any other registered name by which a legal entity is known
beneficial ownerNo contributors
Concept Draft
a natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls the agent
care ofNo contributors
Concept Draft
Used when an address is at the address of another person or legal entity.
code for legal formNo contributors
Concept Draft
legal form represented in letters, numbers etc
(concept not to be used in data models)
companyNo contributors
Concept Draft
en finansiell og juridisk virksomhetsenhet med økonomisk formål
virksomheter som i hovedsak driver næringsaktivitet og er registrert i Foretaksregisteret (nb-NO)
company nameNo contributors
Concept Draft
the official current company name as stored in the business register
company typeNo contributors
Concept Draft
a formal vocabulary that can make a distinction between the various Member states'
legal company types
(this is NOT a "definition" of anything)
contact pointNo contributors
Concept Draft
information through which one can get in touch with a person or a legal entity
duration of the legal entityNo contributors
Concept Draft
Specified time period for which a legal entity is intended to exist as outlined in its governing documents, such as the articles of association or equivalent legal documents.
economic activityNo contributors
Concept Draft
an activity where resources are combined to produce specific goods or services
formal organizationNo contributors
Concept Draft
an organization which is recognized in the world at large, in particular in legal jurisdictions, with associated rights and responsibilities
Income from other investments and loans forming part of the fixed assets, with a separate indication of that derived from affiliated undertakingsNo contributors
Concept Draft
No definition
Income from participating interests, with a separate indication of that derived from affiliated undertakingsNo contributors
Concept Draft
No definition
Interest payable and similar expenses, with a separate indication of amounts payable to affiliated undertakingsNo contributors
Concept Draft
No definition
issuing authority nameNo contributors
Concept Draft
the name of the public authority responsible for issuing the identifier
jurisdictionNo contributors
Concept Suggested
the limits or territory within which authority may be exercised
kotikunta (fi)No contributors
Concept Draft
kommun där ett företag har sitt säte eller där förvaltningen förs (sv-SE)
kotipaikka (fi)No contributors
Concept Draft
den ort i Sverige där styrelsen ska träffas och där bolagsstämman ska hållas (sv-SE)