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- Suositettava termi, Luonnos
- Suositettava termi, Luonnos
- saman alan riippumattoman asiantuntijan tekemä käsikirjoituksen arviointi, joka tehdään julkaisukanavan haltijan pyynnöstä
- open or blind evaluation of a manuscript by an independent reviewer which is done by the request of the publisher
- Rooli: vertaisarvioija
- CASRAI term: Conference Reviewing-Refereeing
Services contributed, in conjunction with a scheduled conference, to examine something, formulate a judgement, and a statement of that judgement.
https://dictionary.casrai.org/Conference_Reviewing-Refereeing Avaa uuden ikkunan sivulle https://dictionary.casrai.org/Conference_Reviewing-Refereeing - CASRAI term: Journal Reviewing-Refereeing
Services contributed to examine a journal, formulate a judgement, and a statement of that judgement.
https://dictionary.casrai.org/Journal_Reviewing-RefereeingAvaa uuden ikkunan sivulle https://dictionary.casrai.org/Journal_Reviewing-Refereeing - Role: reviewer
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